Dear HOPE Friends,
I am thrilled to debut our latest project - the Construction of a Maternal & Child Health Center in Kashmir! Please support this Sadaqa Jaariyah effort - no donation is too small! We are aiming to raise $25,000 to construct a MCHC in Kashmir that will treat 20,000 zakat-eligible mothers and children yearly.
Consider the dire reality in Pakistan with regards to maternal and infant health:
• A 2018 UNICEF report revealed that Pakistan has the highest Infant Mortality Rate in the world – newborns here face a one in 22 chance of dying within a month of birth
• Pakistan has a Maternal Mortality Rate of 127/100,000 which accounts for 28 percent of the global total
• Every 37 minutes, one woman dies giving birth in Pakistan (14,000 woman every year)
The good news is that 80% of infant deaths and over 33% of maternal deaths in Pakistan are preventable!
Join us in the effort to save the lives of mothers and babies:!/
Take advantage of this Sadaqa Jaariyah opportunity - thank you for your support!
Best regards,
Ambereen Siddiqui
Director - HOPE USA