Dear HOPE Friends,
As many of you know, the recent Karachi, Pakistan rains have left many areas in and around the city in a state of turmoil. Thousands of homes have been severely damaged and the brunt of this crisis has been borne by the poor. HOPE is actively assisting in reconstruction of houses, distribution of food ration bags, and treatment of waterborne illnesses such as gastroenteritis and diarrhea. To date we have distributed 300 food ration bags, 1,000 biryanis, and disbursed medical aid to over 300 victims. We will be distributing 500 food ration bags next week in shaa Allah.
The pictures shown are of Badin, and the area where HOPE operates a home school and vocational center. The house pictured is that of our vocational teacher.
If you would like to help, here's how:
Food Ration Bag - £33/family of eight for one month
Biryani - £4/family of four
Medical aid - £5/patient
*You can donate via our website at and select "2022 Karachi Emergency Flood Relief.”
JazakumAllahu Khairan for stepping up to the plate in this time of need! May Allah SWT reward you all for your efforts. Ameen!
Warm regards,
The HOPE UK Team